Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Source Encounter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Source Encounter - Assignment Example Summary: The article brings to the limelight what happens in the night clubs behind the knowledge of the people and the conduct of the club owners when dealing with the ladies who are lured to work in the clubs. The famous Manhattan Club which is a hot spot in New York is put under view with its owner, Mark Birnbaum being accused of sexually harassing and molesting the female employees in his club. This comes to the limelight after four bartenders who worked at the Tenjune and its sister club Simyone lounge accused the owner of using his position as the boss in the enterprise to solicit sexual favors from the unwilling employees. They go further to call him a sex predator for his unruly act. Though his lawyer denies the charges on the basis that the employees are still working in the enterprises as they have been doing over the years it is evident that such claims could be valid looking at the author’s experiences from a different club. About the Author: Scott shifrel is a Daily News Staff writer. He handles topics from various fields and does critical analysis before posting his results on the web and also on their print version. He has written other interesting articles such as ‘Same Old, Same Old for Musician suing for Age Bias’ among others. His articles range from legal to sociology and through his well-articulated use of words and knowledge of the contemporary society he is able to address various topics in an exemplary way. About the Audience: The article is published in the Daily News which is an informative paper. The audience targeted varies and there is no age group that is targeted. However, this article is meant to open the eyes of the ladies who may end up falling prey to such owners who employ them as a way of soliciting sexual favors from them. This has been a controversial topic in the recent past and he addresses it in an

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