Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sustainable consumption is primarily concerned with the...

Sustainable consumption is primarily concerned with the quality of growth, rather than the quantity of growth. Analysts have made two important observations regarding the current growth models. The first is that as emerging economies continue to grow, most of the wealth is accumulated in the hands of a few wealthy individuals, leading to large inequality in society. The second is that economic growth increases well-being in society, but only to the extent to which it provides for the basic needs of people. Beyond that, growth makes hardly any marginal contribution to well-being, while having damaging impacts on the environment. Aside from this, the World Economic Forum recently started to recognize sustainable consumption as an economic†¦show more content†¦Jefrey Sachs shows that there is a relationship between economic activity, savings, capital investment and increased economic activity. Households use the income for the purpose of consumption, savings and taxes. The gove rnment uses tax revenues to current expenditures and development expenditures. Economic capital is produced by household savings and government investments. Higher capital formation leads to economic growth, which in turn increases income households through the impact of income growth. Capital assistance for the project will bring to the process of capital accumulation, economic growth and rising incomes among households receiving benefits from the assistance provided. Through microfinance programs and higher yield expected poverty trap can be destroyed and capital accumulation will occur. This growth is evident in the increase in household savings and government investments that can be made after the households that experienced an increase in revenue from the projects undertaken, start paying taxes or contributing zakat revenue to the government. The Government, through tax revenue or charity is able to perform a variety of other development projects that will benefit more people. Another way to eradicate poverty is by preventing deforestation and protecting forest peoples. Globally, up to 17 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions come fromShow MoreRelatedSocial Equality And Political Freedom1563 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinitions for â€Å"sustainability† and â€Å"sustainable development† put forth by Agyeman, Bullard, and Evans, the most compelling and useful defines one sustainability as â€Å"the need to ensure a better quality of life for all, now, and into the future, in a just and equitable manner, while living within the limits of supporting ecosystems (Agyeman et al., p. 2). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Conceptual Connection Between Art And Aesthetics

Joseph Kosuth claims his art is purely conceptual. What does this mean? Is he saying the work only exists as a conception, an idea? Can we therefore assume visual judgements have no relevance to his works – or in that case the work of other Conceptual artists? Is he also saying that when the work is ’made’ (by this I mean displayed to his laid out instructions) it has no visual base to educate and tell the concept or idea he wishes to be measured? Does he require his art work be considered to have no aesthetic reflection and therefore not be deliberated visually by the viewer? Should the artist have an acknowledgment of this when it is shown as an artwork in an art space? In ‘Art after Philosophy’ (1969) Kosuth said ‘It is necessary to†¦show more content†¦To do this I will consider established modernist aesthetic theory and its relevance in the desire of the conceptual artists to condemn and disengage from it. Immanuel Kant interpreted aesthetics as ‘a field giving priority to form over function’. Beauty, he said, ‘was independent of any particular figure with which it was attached’. ‘A horse might be beautiful apart from whether it raced well’. I will say at this point I will not further examine Kant’s Reflective Judgments but will anchor them in alliance to Greenberg’s taste and aesthetic values. My focus after considering theories of the changing aesthetic and challenging philosophies of art in the 1960’s will be to specifically reflect on Kosuth’s One and Three Chairs and his claims of its anti-aesthetics. Where we were. Conceptual art is in part a reaction against formulism. The revolt against the reduction and refinement of a medium towards an aesthetic defined outcome. In Art and Philosophy, Kosuth dismissed formalism, modernism and Greenberg as a ‘critic of taste’. Kosuth stressed that because aesthetics is disconnected from function or use it is connected to taste. And Kosuth said Greenberg’s taste was tied to the fifties and therefore not only out of date but out of time. Greenberg said that modern art should follow a process of ‘progressive reduction and refinement toward the goal of defining the absolutely essential’. That painting, should be defined as a painting and nothingShow MoreRelatedConceptual Gardening : An Architectural Style Of Gardening1663 Words   |  7 Pagesto break down conceptual boundaries and hold significant meaning when used to their fullest potential.1 With traditional garden design, there is a heavier emphasis on nature and environmental sustainability as seen through the usage of foliage and stones as primary building materials. Over time however, a new approach towards gardening has been developed; one that allows for this medium to break free of its conventional restraints. This is attributed to the birth of the conceptual art movement in theRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesPower movement. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

American Theatre Essay Example For Students

American Theatre Essay Soon after the American Revolution, Americans began their expansion to the west. It was our Manifest Destiny to tame the wilds of the west and expand our nationfrom coast to coast. Families from all over would load up their belongings andtravel to the newly purchased lands. People from New York, Philadelphia, Bostonand all parts of the new nation brought with them their language, culture andbelief systems. Along with this they also brought the theater. It was not longafter people would begin to live in an area that the theater would take root. The progress of the theater in the United States can be traced along the sameroutes as the settlement of the west. Beginning on the east coast with earlycolonies the theater was carried with our ancestors to their new homes in thewest. From St. Louise to Kansas City, from Kansas City to California and allparts in between. Horace Greeley said Go west young man and thetheater followed. In 1492 Christopher Columbus left Azones on a trip to discovera western sea route to the Orient. Seventy days later Columbus made land fall onwhat he thought was an outlying portion of Asia. Columbus would go to his deathbelieving he had landed in Asia, he was wrong. Although he did open up a newworld for Europeans to expand their culture into.(Billington 15) Thought manyearly attempts where made to settle this new land. Most ended in disaster. In1620 however, 128 years after Columbus made his brave but mistaken discovery ofthe new world, the pilgrims set out to make a permanent settlement in America. They put a shore in what is now called Massachusetts and formed a thriving, selfgoverned colony.(Billington 57) 10 years later, John Wintrope brings 1000colonist and founds the city of Boston. Wintropes British settlement had notbeen in the new world long, in fact less than a year, when they discovered thatthe Dutch had formed their own nearby settlement. The Dutch called their townNew Amsterdam. This caused immediate competition and rivalry between thesettlements.(Billington 60) After a war with the Dutch the city of New Amsterdamcame into the possession of the British Empire and King Charles the Second. KingCharles had newly been restored to the throne of England after a long forcedvacation on the mainland of Europe. As a reward to those who supported hisreturn, he annexed New Amsterdam and renamed it New York and gave large portionsof it to his most loyal supporters.(Billington 67) In the ensuing years manyEnglish colonist came to the new world setting up towns and cities all alon g theAtlantic coast line. It is in these towns and cities that we see Europeanculture, especially English culture, being planted in the new world. With thisnew culture being brought to this new and untamed land it is natural that theforms of entertainment would also not be far behind. The lands of the new worldwhere now fertile for the seed of the theater. In 1716 we have records of atheater being built in Willamsburg Virginia. This is probable the first theaterbuilt in the Americas. While there where probable plays and some smalltheatrical productions being done earlier, this is our first ever record of abuilding being built for this specific purpose.(Hornblow) We know that in NewYork in 1752, the Hallams performed the Merchant of Venice. We also know thatthe Hallams used a theater that was build for use by Murray and Kean who had atroupe who had performed the same play along with Richard the III many yearsearlier. (Hornblow) So theater came early to the Americas but was contained tothe coastal areas much like the colonies where. It would take the formation of anew country and an expansion of the boarders of this new country to help theateron its western trek across the great expanses of North America. Caused by whatthey believed was an erosions of their natural rights and being governed without representation The colonies in America decided to take a bold move and breaktheir ties with their English masters. This of course was not well received bythe King of England and what is known as the American Revolution ensued. In 1775in Lexington and Concord fighting broke out between American Colonist andEnglish Troops. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed adocument that had been penned by Thomas Jefferson. The document was aDeclaration of Independence. While the matter was by no means decided and a longwar followed, for all practical purposes the United States Of America wasborn.(McKay 696) In an effort to expand the borders of the United States a nd tohelp get European interest off the continent. Thomas Jefferson, now president ofthe United States purchases from France a vast area called Louisiana. So onApril 30th, 1803 the territory of the fledgling country of the United States wasmore than doubled. In this territory there where already established cities andpopulations. Cities like New Orleans and St. Louise had long been active tradingareas for the French and Spanish governments.(Billington 244) These areasquickly became attractive for new migrations of the Americans. Although bothcities spoke very little English. The rapid movement of Americans into themcaused a need for English spoken entertainment. In New Orleans there whereFrench speaking theaters as early as 1809 but there had never been any Englishlanguage plays performed. A man named Noah Ludlow with the help of some actorsfrom the Turner company decided to go to New Orleans and perform. They had beentold that there was a large English speaking population there now and they wherein need to spend their money on English speaking plays. This is all that Ludlowneeded. Although some of his partners protested and left the troupe, Ludlow withmany others departed from Nashville on Oct. 20th 1917. (Hornblow) They traveleddown the Ohio river to the Mississippi They arrived in Natches some days laterand upon the insistence of the local movers and shakers performed one of theirplays. The Honeymoon was the first play to ever be performed inNatches. The troupe stayed for a few days but then continued their travels toNew Orleans. On Dec. 24th 1817 Ludlow and his trouped opened their theater inNew Orleans with the plays The Honeymoon and a farce calledThe Hotel, or a servant with two masters. The theater was called theSt. Philip because it was on St. Phillips St. The venture was a huge successbefore Ludlow decided to go back to Nashville for other endeavors. (Hornblow) Itis only fitting that the man who brought theater to the Louisiana territory bethe one wh o brings it to St. Louis. Noah Ludlow decided that the small city ofSt. Louis was ripe for his theater troupe. With a population of some 4000 St. Introduction to Debt Policy EssayBibliographyBillington, Ray Allen. Westward Expansion; A history of the AmericanFrontier. New York: Macmillan, 1967 Clark, Dan Elbert. The West inAmerican History New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1937 Horblow,Arthur. A history of the Theatre in America from its Beginnings to thePresent Time. New York: B. Bloom, 1965 c1919 McKay, Hill, Buckler. Ahistory of Western Society 5th Edition Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company1995

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Keeping Google “Googley Essay Example

Keeping Google â€Å"Googley Paper Assignment inquiries: 1. Evaluate Google’ organisational construction. What is its type? How do you believe. does this construction tantrum Google’ organisational scheme? Supply your reply with statements. Do you believe that some betterments of organisational construction are needed? Why? What sort of alterations should be done to for this construction to be more effectual? Based on the read instance I would state that Google utilizes matrix signifier of organisational construction which is thought to be a loanblend of divisional and functional constructions. In Google senior executives are organized by maps. e. g. technology. merchandise direction. merchandise selling. gross revenues. finance etc. this made all the merchandises in the company to be managed by squads with the director at the caput. This organisation construction helps Google to delegate director for a peculiar merchandise or undertaking and pull off a squad of employees who are working to accomplish specific prosodies. The chief advantage of the matrix organisational construction in Google is that the being of a director of a major maps keeps the focal point on the merchandise or undertaking that is being developed. There was no micromanaging in the company. Product/project directors played a function of wise mans instead than director which gave flexibly and an chance to employees on t heir ain to calculate out the best manner to make a work. We will write a custom essay sample on Keeping Google â€Å"Googley specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Keeping Google â€Å"Googley specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Keeping Google â€Å"Googley specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 2. Supply elaborate analysis of Google’ organisational civilization. Use any theoretical account or typology to asses the chief elements of this civilization. What elements of Google’ organisational civilization support Google’s scheme. what elements can restrict or hold negative effects on the company’s development? How Google should get the better of it? To analyse Google`s organisational civilization I would wish to utilize Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn ( 1999 ) theoretical account. Based on the Competing Values Framework developed by Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn I assign Adhocracy civilization type to Google which is characterized by dynamic workplace with leaders that stimulate invention in the company. Organizational civilization in the company was created in a manner to promote collegiality ( coaction with director of major maps. co-workers non merely in the place office but worldwide ) . interrupt down any barriers which could forestall achievement of the company`s scheme and uninterrupted development and launch of new merchandises and services. I would qualify Google’s civilization as informal. equal. with high degree of employees` engagement. and empowerment and it has an antipathy to bureaucratism. All this mentioned encourages applied scientists to develop good thoughts at a faster gait. 3. Describe in inside informations Google’ working environment. What are its virtues and restrictions? How Google’ motivates its employees. retain them and make a trueness? Google has its alone characteristic which makes it different from other organisations. The company`s biggest and most of import resources are people. the concentration of gifted people in Google is immense. So directors are aimed at the development of the informal civilization in the company which makes it a great topographic point for people to work in. The company offers its employees the most moneymaking on the job conditions and services which make people experience comfy. Google offers top-benefit bundles every bit good as legion services on-site such as wellness or dental attention. on-sire free wash – therefore Google takes attention and is respectful of its employees` time . Offices and coffeehouse at the company are designed to promote interactions between Googlers within and across squads. and to trip conversation approximately work every bit good as drama. The company gives its employees an chance to make what they love in service of a meaningful mission. Employees are given all the freedom to show their thoughts and voice their concerns. As a consequence. originative and advanced ideas are neer suppressed. and about ever do it to a director. This encourages Googlers non to merely believe – but to instead believe outside the box! By giving employees the freedom to prosecute new thoughts. Google expects to come up with new merchandises that keep its major rivals on their heels. Google`s leader want theirs employees collaborate and to think out loud and have unfastened treatments. Employees are capable to go to managerial meetings. Google strives to make and keep unfastened. informal civilization and working environment which makes people to experience as a hands-on subscriber and experience comfy sharing thoughts. sentiments and making advanced merchandises and services. 4. Answer the inquiry of Kim Scott at the terminal of the instance ( p. 13 ) . viz. what steps she and her co-workers could take to assist maintain Google Googley ? For Google it is of a paramount importance to maintain its alone organisational civilization. moneymaking working environment to travel on with Googley . I think that that non merely Kim Scott. the manager of Google`s AdSense. but all the Google`s leader should take uninterrupted steps in order to maintain advanced civilization. First. the company should seek to minimise policies and guidelines which lead to bureaucratism and incidental concerns of employees. Furthermore the company should seek to keep rapid determination doing procedure by making a bed of experiences directors who could be responsible for consensuses and Google determination doing model . The company should seek to pull more people to the meetings or supply an chance to all people who are interested in to be informed about traveling undertakings by making portals or web treatments. As good I would propose Google to put up a rotary motion pattern within all the offices which could be a good tool for interchanging best patterns and keeping international consistence within the organisation. The best patterns of one office could be brought to another office and will ensue in enormous growing and spread of the same cultural Google feel .